The Garden of Belonging
The Garden of Belonging
A taste of our Garden Gatherings

A taste of our Garden Gatherings

an audio version to do on your own

Friends, I had to cancel my Garden Gathering on the 24th because I wasn't feeling well. I was so sorry to not be able to gather with you and explore the topic of trust. I had the idea, however, of recording the script as an audio for you so that you can get a taste of what the gatherings are like and explore the topic of trust on your own. I hope you enjoy it!

You will need:

  • A quiet space free of interruptions

  • Room to lie down and/or move your body gently

  • Something to journal with

  • Paper and pen/pencil/crayons/markers to doodle with

I do hope you enjoy the journey and if you'd like to share in the comments what came up for you or the blessing/prayer/intention you crafted for yourself, I'd love to hear from you.

The following tracks are used for the sound journey:

Beyond Solaces by Didacte, Holloway

Eidólon (Dante's Song) by Kumea Sound

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The Garden of Belonging
The Garden of Belonging
letters and stories on belonging to ourselves