Olya is an intuitive, teacher and artist based in Moscow, Russia. She is super passionate about us all living as our true, eternal, «full-size» selves. On her journey in life she has been motivated and led by her intuition, progressively learning to trust it more and more - in her personal life, in her physical healing journey and in finding her professional path in life.
Note: This conversation was recorded in late 2019
Olya and I talk about:
How self-trust is deeply connected with intuition and self-care
Trusting in something bigger than ourselves
Using experts only when you know exactly what you want from them
Trusting your own discernment
Radical self-trust in healing Lyme disease
You can find Olya at:
Website: https://www.olyakosogova.com/en
Art shop: https://www.olyakosogova.com/artshop_en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olyakosogova
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/olyakosogova
Episode 28: Radical Self-Trust with Olya Kosogova