Hello Friends,
Summer is meandering its way towards me like a soft flowing river. It's slow and quiet now but I can hear the roar of the waterfall head. Everything outside is green and flowering or budding. Somehow it feels too soon to see green fruit on our blueberry bush. I see rabbits everywhere and my daily walks are slower as the dog stalks her prey. School ends next week then our calendar for the next 3 months is already quite full. I had thought to reserve some camping sites this year but I see there's just no space for it. Any space we have I know we will want left open to our momentary whims. I am willing the days to linger a bit because I know once we pack up the car for our first summer trip, we will be pulled into the rapids.
Gathering Guilt
It's already mid-June and I have yet to announce this month's gathering. I haven't felt up to hosting but have felt hesitant to say so. The guilt over holding one gathering and then "dropping" it looms, but I know this summer I won't have the focus to make them happen. So here I am, putting them on hold when I've barely begun. I hope you will check out the audio version I shared that you can experience on your own. I'd love to hear how it goes for you. If you share what you like and don't like, that can inform the gatherings I form in the fall.
Writing Shifts
I am in week 5 of Beth Kempton's River of Words and I can hardly believe it will be over in two weeks. I have been spilling words, most of which are fiction. I had hoped that this course would give me more clarity around the direction of my writing and it seems a shift may be coming. It's clear I will be fiddling with fiction in the background. You can expect to see some short pieces here in the future. To help me structure this space in a way that supports you, would you take this quick poll?
Summer Invitation
As summer rolls in and things likely get quiet around here, I wanted to leave you with an invitation. I had thought to explore the topic of Play in our June gathering, but since I won't be holding one, I'll leave you with some ideas you can play with (pun intended).
Summer has a boisterous, playful energy that is worth exploring in our own lives. As adults we tend to get caught up in life's daily drudgery that we forget to have fun. Kids can help us with this, as they are experts at play, but we can foster play ourselves if we don't have kids around. Here around some ideas:
Journal around the topic of play and joy. In what areas of your life are you craving more play?
Pull out some art supplies and just play. Start out with your non-dominant hand to remind yourself that perfection has no place here.
Take a walk down memory lane. What activities did you enjoy doing as a kid or teenager? Are there any that you can bring back into your life now?
Share in the comments some of the playful things you get up to this summer.
Happy Pride
Last but not least, happy pride month to all of you in the LGBTQIA2S+1 community. If you’ve been here long, you’ll know that any push to celebrate being able to know, trust, love, and express our true selves is fabulous in my book.
To those of my family and friends in the community, I am so proud to know you and love you. I see your courage and I celebrate you! You bring me hope in a world where equality and the right to exist is resisted. You teach me about possibility, courageous self-expression, and chosen family. Thank you!
Much Love,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic, 2 Spirit, etc.